Stretch ceiling without a chandelier in a children's room

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It is impossible to imagine a room without some kind of lighting fixture. Usually, this is either a chandelier, or spots, or, in extreme cases, LED strips, fiber optic lamps, etc. Often such devices are combined with each other, creating completely unrealistic compositions.

A new and original solution for a children's room is a design in which a chandelier is not used. Instead, other lighting fixtures are mounted on the tension covering.

There is no need to worry that your child will damage his vision, since such lighting will not be enough. In fact, sometimes the same spotlights cope with the task assigned to them much better than a chandelier.

The advantages of this option

From a functionality point of view, one chandelier will not provide light throughout the entire room. It usually illuminates only its central part. In order to make the workplace or play area brighter, additional devices are used.

But if you create spotlights on the tension surface, they will be able to perfectly cope with the task of illuminating the entire space. You just need to make more light bulbs in those places where the child will be more often. With their help, you can easily visually divide a room into several functional zones. For example, you can create a relaxation, play or study area.

Stretch ceilings without a chandelier will work very well in a room where twins live. Usually a bunk bed is used for them. If there is a chandelier hanging in the room, the child may reach it from the top tier of the bed, or accidentally damage it while playing. But spotlights do not take up space at all; nothing will happen to them if the same pillow gets into them.

As you can see, this option, unusual at first glance, actually opens up many positive aspects for us. But how can this design be combined with the rest of the children's room design? Let's look at some examples.

You can make a design when the tension covering is presented in two levels. In the main part of the room there will be a white matte covering with separate spots. They can be installed in a circle or in a spiral.

Above the bed itself the starry sky will amaze the imagination. It is usually created by using a dark blue glossy stretch fabric and special lasers or projectors, fiber optics, etc.

This type of stretch ceiling design without a chandelier will give the room not only originality, but also comfort. A child of any age will feel comfortable growing and developing here. If there is a need, you can replace the dark blue fabric with blue or even lilac.

In the room where a newborn lives, motifs of a blue sky with white clouds are often created. You can completely use this idea, just modify it a little. For example, choosing blue. Volumetric clouds will be located on it as the second level.

It is best to place them in such a way that there is space between this structure and the tension surface. An LED strip is installed in this slot. Such a design will look simply fabulous. It will appear as if the clouds are floating in the air. By the way, you can make several spotlights on them themselves. Since these are suspended ceilings without a chandelier, which we have on our website, these are the lighting fixtures that will perform the functions assigned to them.

More saturated compositional solutions on the surface of a stretch ceiling will also look good. You can combine light red, orange and white. Moreover, it is these tones that will be the main ones in the rest of the room.

The composition will perform well in the form of a curvilinear two-level structure. One part of the first level will have a glossy orange canvas, and the second - red. In the middle there will be a plasterboard frame with built-in spotlights.


It may seem that the absence of a chandelier in the room will lead to irreparable consequences. But in fact, it can be completely replaced with other lighting devices, successfully combining them with the features of the invented composition.

Small spots, LED strips and projectors for creating a starry sky will cope well with the lighting task in a children's room. All together or separately, they will create the most comfortable atmosphere for the child.

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