Which fixtures are best for a stretch ceiling: tips for choosing

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A very responsible approach should be taken to the issue of choosing lighting for a stretch ceiling. Too powerful lamps can ruin the canvas, which, under the influence of strong heat, will lose its elasticity and appearance. To decide which fixtures are best for a stretch ceiling, you need to note the main features of the room: the dimensions and height from the main plate to the canvas. And also take into account personal preferences and style of the room.

There is an erroneous opinion that a stretch ceiling involves the installation of only small light sources. In fact, the usual volumetric chandeliers can also be used to illuminate the room.

However, you should not choose too large designs, as well as lamps in the form of plates. In the latter case, there is a high risk of damage to the tension surface due to high temperature and low air circulation, which occur due to the tight fit of the body to the web.

Luminaires suitable for stretch ceilings differ in the method of attachment:

  • Overhead. This option involves mounting light sources on special overhead rings that are installed on the canvas after the power supply is connected.
  • Embedded. Small fixtures that do not attract attention and almost merge with the ceiling. They are installed using a spring mount, which allows you to tightly press the light source to the canvas.
  • Suspended. All types of chandeliers, which, using special fasteners, are hung on a hook mounted in the main ceiling slab. This is the easiest way; massive models will require the construction of a more complex structure.

Overhead lights are the cheapest and easiest to install. Light bulbs with low power are used in them, because. due to the design, the distance between the ceiling plate and the canvas is too small. Therefore, overhead lights are installed as additional lighting, because. Mounting a light source that is too bright will damage the material. Recessed luminaires, on the other hand, require a greater distance between the canvas and the ceiling, which means that powerful bulbs can also be used. Therefore, they often act as the main lighting.

Which stretch ceiling lamps are best to use

Traditional incandescent lamps in stretch ceilings are practically not used due to the tendency to overheat and the large depth of embedding.

Most often, the following light sources are used, which have power limitations:

  • LED (40 W);
  • Energy saving (45 W);
  • Halogen (35 W).

The ideal lamp for a stretch ceiling is LED, which practically does not heat up and does not spoil the canvas.

LED bulbs are placed in low rooms, because. the required height between the main and false ceilings is 5 cm. They are distinguished by natural light that is pleasant to the eyes. The cost of this type of light bulbs is somewhat higher, but this is offset by low energy consumption and a long service life. In addition, LEDs have several base options. This allows you to choose a luminaire without fear that the lamp will not be suitable for him.

LED lamps for stretch ceilings: which ones are better to choose

LED lamps are able to give an uninterrupted stream of light of various colors, which does not tire the eyes and does not impair vision. It is worth choosing them based on personal wishes and purposes of use.

All LEDs can be divided into 2 groups:

  • With internal arrangement of lamps;
  • With light bulbs on the outside of the case.

Luminaires with an external arrangement of lamps are the best main lighting for a stretch ceiling. Economical and safe, they help to obtain a diffused beam of light that is pleasing to the human eye.

Luminaires with built-in bulbs emit a directed stream of light. Therefore, this type of LED is used to illuminate a certain area in the room, as well as for zoning the room.

Luminaires for stretch ceilings: how to choose an LED strip

LED strip is an ergonomic type of lighting, which is a strip with electrical conductors on one side and an adhesive surface on the other. It can be used as a main or additional light source.

The LED strip is ideal for illuminating a room with a high frosted ceiling.

The brightness of the lighting depends on the number and size of the LEDs located on the strip. For the ceiling area, it is better to use 30 - 60 LEDs per meter with a warm white glow. Brighter light will "cut" the eyes. In addition, you will need a high-power power supply, which is not so easy to disguise.

What is better in a stretch ceiling: a chandelier or spotlights

The choice of the type of lamp will depend on personal preferences and the characteristics of the room being designed. Chandeliers are great for the main lighting of a large room, such as a living room or bedroom. Spotlights are needed in small rooms (kitchen or bathroom).

To get sufficient lighting, it is important to correctly calculate the number of fixtures. Using halogen or LED bulbs, it is better to install one for every 1.5 square meters. ceiling meters; energy-saving - one for every 2 sq. meters.

Spotlights can be used to illuminate small areas, such as shelves in a dressing room. And also to install together with a chandelier as additional lighting.

Spotlights for stretch ceilings: how to choose the right light source

Spotlights are very popular due to their low cost and ease of installation. A huge variety of shapes, colors and sizes allows you to choose the perfect option for a room of any style and purpose.

In order for the ceilings to last for a long time, the selected spotlight must meet a number of requirements:

  • Working temperature, which is not able to spoil the canvas (up to 60 ⁰С);
  • The power of the light bulb should not be more than 35 W;
  • The presence of a mirror part to reflect light;
  • No sharp ends that could damage the ceiling during installation.

An interesting solution would be a design with a movable element, thanks to which you can adjust the direction of the light. Such a lamp will allow you to change the lighting, highlighting the necessary parts of the room.

It is desirable that the point light source also has a wide border that will hide the mounting structure.

Which lamps are suitable for stretch ceilings: choose the perfect chandelier

When choosing a chandelier for a stretch ceiling, you need to take into account the texture of the canvas, the type of light bulb used and the features of the room. For a matte surface, lamps of a classical shape are ideal, for a glossy surface - unusual and intricate. A lot of bright highlights will be given on the ceiling by chandeliers with open LED bulbs that can be installed directly under the canvas. Such lamps do not heat up and will not cause harm to the coating.

When using halogen lamps, the chandelier must be located at least 30 cm from the ceiling. The choice should be made in favor of the lamp, the shades of which will be directed downwards.

Choosing which fixtures are best for a stretch ceiling (video)

The best lighting option for a tensile structure, suitable for all the features of the room, are LED lamps that do not heat up and do not pose a danger to the ceiling. And also can be used as the main and additional light source, changing depending on the wishes of the owner of the apartment and placing accents in the interior.

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